Separating children from their parents at the border is morally wrong

Call your representatives, especially if they’re Republicans. Demand that this stop. “But what about Obama?” He’s not the president anymore. “But what about the laws?” This isn’t a law, it’s a policy instituted very recently, which can be reversed in an instant by Sessions or Trump. “But what about illegal immigration?” No harm done by illegal immigration can possibly outweigh the harm we’re doing to these kids and their parents. “But what about the Democrats?” I don’t want to hear any ignorant both-sides-ism. We are all morally culpable, but the people who control all three branches of the federal government are the most culpable. Call them.

One reply on “Separating children from their parents at the border is morally wrong”

  1. Thank you for speaking out Ethan. It is the responsibility of all musicians to speak out NOW!

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